We offer a unique experience in which our guests not only enjoy the best tango shows, with live orchestras and dancers, but also feel its nostalgia and passion from inside. A vintage car (Hupmobile 1930) shows up to give them a ride. To their surprise, a pair of professional dancers descends from the old car and a musician accompanies the two performers with his bandoneon offering an intimate show for them.
When the show comes to a conclusion, they are invited to go with the vintage car for a ride. It feels like taking a trip to the past, to the 1930’s, when Buenos Aires reached the heights of its glory days. This journey comes to an end in one of the finest tango shows in Buenos Aires. As another option, travelers can chose to be accompanied by a professional tango dancer to Milongas (dance halls where local people gather and dance).
Chris and Melissa are newlyweds living in Portland, Oregon, and have decided to spend their honeymoon in Buenos Aires. They chose this sprawling metropolis because of its world renowned cuisine, exciting nightlife, lively markets and gorgeous architecture. Of course, a trip to Buenos Aires just isn’t complete without a little taste of the tango.
They found themselves captivated by this sensual rhythm, which is as much a way of life as it is a music and dance. For that reason, they want to see the best show in town. Our ALCHEMIST TEAM jumped into action and presented for them some of the best tanguerías (venues hosting tango shows), with live orchestras and dancers. After careful consideration, they made their choice and our team made a reservation for two.
The expected day arrived and our young couple was dressed up, excited and ready for a special night. What they did not know was how spectacular that evening would turn to be…
While they were seated at the hotel hall, a vintage car (Hupmobile 1930) showed up to give them a ride. To their surprise, a pair of professional dancers descended from the old car. Their impeccable outfits reminiscent of the roaring 30sand gracious movements not only caught Chris and Melissas attention, but also the by standers on the street seemed to come to a standstill.
While these dancers were entering the hotel, a man, who was seated and apparently waiting for someone else at the hall, stood up, picked a bandoneon from the floor and accompanied the two performers. He played a beautiful piece of Astor Piazzola, the worlds foremost composer of tango music.
Our travelers were astonished by this perfectly executed intimate show. When the show came to a conclusion, they were invited to go with the vintage car for a ride. It felt like taking a trip to the past, to the 1930s, when Buenos Aires reached the heights ofits glory days. They imagined the grand orchestras with epic performers like Carlos Gardel and a passionate enthusiasm for dancing tango. For one magical evening, they were part of the tango “Golden Age”.
Driving through crowded wide avenues under a clear sky, they enjoyed their private night tour where the lights of city life swirl around the most impressive monuments. The journey came to an end in one of the finest tango shows in Buenos Aires.
Similar travelers as Chris and Melissa may learn about the depth of tango history, its traditional rules and experience the complexities of the tango world accompanied by a professional tango dancer to Milongas (dance halls where local people gather anddance). The will come to understand why people have become so passionate about this dance and how often they change their lives for it.
The Secret
of Tango